AAH-I Value Chain Analysis in Hargeisa (Re-advertisement)

AAH-I Value Chain Analysis in Hargeisa (Re-advertisement)


AAH-I is a regional NGO with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, working with refugees, returnees, IDPs, host communities and other marginalized and vulnerable groups. Our vision is improved quality of life for livelihood-challenged communities in Africa.

AAH-I was founded by a group of aid workers working with refugees in what is now South Sudan during the civil war nearly 30 years ago. We were first registered in Germany in 1991 as Aktion Africa in Not e.V (AAIN), later Aktion Africa Hilfe e. V (AAH); in 2003 we moved our headquarters to Nairobi, Kenya, and became AAH-I. We have country offices and national boards in Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda and Zambia and a country programme in Somalia.

We work across a range of thematic areas to meet our mission of supporting livelihood-challenged communities in Africa to sustainably improve their quality of life,. We bring expertise in improving livelihoods and basic services, particularly health, with a capacity to deliver in some of the most challenging contexts. Specific sector experience includes:

· Basic services (health, education, water, hygiene and sanitation)

· Food and income security

· Environmental management and responsiveness to climate change

· Governance, civil society strengthening and peace building.

· Humanitarian relief and recovery.

· Research to provide the evidence base for the above.

In all our programming, AAH-I aims to mainstream the following cross-cutting issues: HIV/AIDS; Gender equality and equity; Age; Disability; Population and family management.

Our core values are:

  • Compassion for livelihood-challenged communities
  • Community-centered sustainable solutions
  • Respect for all stakeholders
  • Partnership, with shared responsibilities
  • Integrity in all that we do
  • Efficiency in resource utilization
  • Innovation in programming.

1.2 AAH in Somalia/Somaliland

AAH-I has been working in Somalia since 1997, primarily in Puntland, Northeastern Somalia where we had health systems strengthening projects in Bari Region from 1997 to 2011. In 2013, we carried out assessments for UNICEF and UNHCR and in 2014 we started projects with UNHCR in livelihoods (Hargeisa, Somaliland) and logistics (warehouse management in Mogadishu). In July 2015, we started a 3-year Food Security and Livelihoods project with Bread for the World in El Wak, Gedo Region, South Central Somalia.

AAH-I is implementing a Self-reliance and Livelihoods project in Hargeisa in partnership with UNHCR. This project seeks to strengthen and expand self-reliance among refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable members of the host community in Hargeisa, Somaliland through provision of financial and non-financial services.

2. Objectives

The objectives of this assignment are:

· To identify the types of value chain(s) that offer better opportunities in the local and distant markets

· To identify points on these value chains where value can be added

· To identify areas of improvement for increased productivity and/or competitiveness of the small producers engaged in the specified value chains.

3. Scope of Work

I. Review existing Value Chain Analyses and Market Assessments of agricultural and non-agricultural products, including AAH-I’s recent Market Survey.

II. Identify two value chains out of the following with potential to generate employment opportunities: a) blue gum, b) construction stones, c) jufilora weed d) plastic bottles & plastic paper, e) skin and hide , f) Aloe vera and g) precious stones.

III. Prepare a complete value chain map of the selected value chains showing who the chain actors, stakeholders, supporters and influencers, are, how many they are, and disaggregating them by gender, and values and volumes of the product handled along the chain.

IV. Identify the potential for integration of small producers in the value chain.

V. Identify possible improvements that can lead to significant increases in employment and income for the small producers.

VI. Analyse potential risks that may hamper reaching AAHI’s goals for the value chain. The analysis should provide narratives if the bottlenecks are critical (i.e. the project would fail to increase opportunities for small producers if the bottlenecks are not removed as planned) and the level of risk that the bottlenecks identified will not be removed with in the life span of the project.

VII. Produce a report of the findings and recommendations for review by AAH-I, UNHCR and other key stakeholders as identified

VIII. Produce a final report taking into account reviewers’ comments.

4. Key Deliverables/Outputs

I. A value chain map (as above).

II. A report with findings and recommendations including recommendations as to which Value chain(s) AAH-I should focus on and where value can be added along the chain by AAH-I’s focus beneficiaries, the costs and potential income linked to enterprises that focus on value addition at these points on the chain, and recommended training and inputs needed for small producers to exploit the opportunities identified.

The consultant will work closely and in coordination with Somalia Programme Manager, as well as the AAHI-Associates in Value chain designated by Somalia Programme Manager.

5 .Duration of the Assignment

The assignment will take up to 20 days and the final report will be delivered by 15, January 2016.

6. Expertise, qualifications and skills


· A tertiary-level qualification in a relevant field, e.g., agriculture or business studies

· Previous experience of undertaking value chain assessments

· Experience in analysis of value chains relevant to the Somaliland context e.g., livestock, selected agricultural products

· Strong analytical, research and presentation skills

· Good written and spoken English


· An understanding of the economy and key value in Somaliland

· Previous experience working on economic/livelihood issues in Somaliland

· Good spoken Somali and/or Arabic

· Experience of working in fragile state context

7. Responsibilities of AAH-I and of the Consultant

The Exact terms will be agreed with the selected consultant and included in the contract.

The Project Manager will make available literature from the Somaliland context prior to the Consultant’s travel. They will liaise with the Consultant to arrange meetings with stakeholders outlined above. They will liaise with the HQ and the Consultant to ensure that all logistics and travel including visa are organized prior to travel. They will be at the airport to pick the Consultant and avail themselves throughout the assignment to ensure that all necessary support and facilitation is provided to the consultant.

At field locations, AAH-I will provide accommodation, transport, and security arrangements. Field travel will be subject to security clearance.

The consultant will submit an invoice to AAH-I at the end of the consultancy together with a signed timesheet. AAH-I will pay the consultant within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Fees payable under this agreement shall be deemed to cover cost of personnel, overheads, withholding tax, VAT etc. in Kenya and all other costs that may be incurred except those specifically provided for in this Terms of Reference.

Costs of any travel, accommodation and/or per diem during the period of this assignment will be borne by AAH and will be agreed in advance of travel. An allowance of up to USD 500 has been made for chargeable expenses associated with the assignment. Additional miscellaneous expenditure will need to be approved by AAH-I in advance.

AAH will be responsible for ensuring that the consultant has access to the information and logistics, administration and other assistance they require. They will be provided with a ‘hot’ or shared desk within AAH Somaliland and at FAWE House, Nairobi. They will have internet access and use of a printer.

Reports/output produced as a result of the work covered under this Terms of Reference together with all relevant data and supporting materials compiled in performing the Services, shall be the property of AAH and it must not be used for any purpose unrelated to this TOR. The consultant agrees not to cause or permit anything that may damage the reputation or intellectual property of AAH

The consultant will not conclude any contracts or incur any obligation or liability on behalf of or binding upon AAH-I, or sign any documents on behalf of the organization, without prior written permission of AAH-I.

8. Termination of ToR/Consultancy Agreement

The Consultancy Agreement to accompany this TOR can be terminated by either party upon provision of one month notice in writing. In case of serious misconduct or dissatisfaction in performance, AAH-I will inform the consultant in writing of the dissolution of the contract with immediate effect.



Christine Kalume
Somalia Country Programme Manager

If you are in agreement with the above TOR, kindly sign below and return to us to allow us prepare the contract.

I, ……………………………………………………………………………….agree to the terms set out above.

Signed………………………………………. Date…………………………..


Interested candidates are requested to send their technical and financial proposal and CV to Human Resources at: headoffice@actionafricahelp.org. Closing date: 15 Dec 2015 Given the urgency of the assignment, interviews will be held on an on-going basis as and when applications are received. Those who already applied do not need to re-apply.

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