Ugub Solutions was hired by Care International to provide event management and translation services to the Joint Review of Education Sector (JRES) in Garowe, Puntland, Somalia. JRES is a review meeting holds annually by Ministry of Education & Higher Education of Puntland State of Somalia for it’s education stakeholders and partners in Garowe. Facilitating the Annual Joint Review of Education Sector (JRES) as a sector-wide performance monitoring mechanism is one of the key activities of the Waxabarashada Waa Iftiin “Education is Loight” project.
JRES is set against the costed Education Sector Plan and thus review performance of the sector at large including government-funded initiatives and activities. The JRES will also cover all sources of funding in the sector (i.e. other donors and the private sector), in order to review progress against set benchmarks, but also so as to identify synergies, complementarities and overlaps.
The Joint Review of the Education Sector which lasted two days 15-17 January 2018 had brought together all the key stakeholders including but not limited to the following:
- Vice President of Puntland
- Ministry of Education;
- Ministry of Planning and Coordination;
- Heads and Directors of key education institutions;
- Regional and district education officials ;
- Embedded Technical Advisors;
- Institutional donors (notably the EU, USAID, DFID );
- INGOs and UN Agencies active in the education sector.