1. Background
INTERSOS is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization that works to bring assistance to people affected by natural disasters and conflicts. Established in 1992 with support from the Italian Federation of Trade Unions, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and the unprotected. In Somalia INTERSOS is active since 1992 responding to emergencies that involve IDPs and returnee populations as well as the host community. INTERSOS currently operates in Banadir, Bay, Middle Shabelle and Mudug regions of Somalia.
2. Terms of reference
Consultancy on: Vocational training Entrepreneurship Course
Location: Baidoa within Bay region, (SCZ Somalia)
Starting date: ASAP
Duration of contract: 10 days (full time consultancy)
3. General context of the mission
INTERSOS Baidoa VTC was opened in April 2012 after realizing humanitarian gap for this service. The training period offered in the VTC training programme is generally six months’ period depending on content of the training and funding availability. The training package composes core skills training to specialize as for profession and supplementary subjects (i.e. literacy and numeracy- English, Arithmetics, Islamic religious studies) skill training meant to support basic life skills of the trainee and prepare them to interact with this business world. The core skills training mostly offered in the VTC training programme are; carpentry, tailoring, basic electricity and basic plumbing, community health.
The basic life business – skills for reading and writing. The core skills subjects are selected on results based on (quick) labour market assessments.
4. Tasks and responsibilities
In the framework of the above-mentioned INTERSOS operations, the Entrepreneurship Consultant is responsible for the accurate realization of a mission in the to support the staff (Entrepreneurship trainer) capacity building, as well as provide suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.
Specifically, the Consultant is responsible to:
Training of trainers:
Develop and deliver training on key concepts, principles and standards related to Start and Improve Your Business Implementation, inclusive of socio-recreational activities and alternative education techniques, for INTERSOS staff and working in the framework of the project.
The aim of the training is to increase their skills on how to use active imagination, creativity, personal resources and resilience techniques, proposing alternative education methodologies (including market research) and developing specific modules with trainees.
Assess your staff and identify areas where they need capacity building training for future planning. Suggest relevant areas for Trainer of Trainees (TOT) approach
Develop and carry a need based market assessment.
Develop VCT training curriculum
Develop a monthly and progress work plan of activities for the entrepreneurship classes at the VTC with the staff.
Conduct assessment on how the entrepreneurship and business development activities are organized and conducted, as well as to evaluate the approaches and communication/facilitation skills of the staff working in VTC.
Discuss and analyse the results with relevant skill trainers to identify appropriate responses to issues and concerns opportunities and to respond to existing market trends.
Prepare the final report inclusive of technical inputs, suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions regarding the capacity building for staff, as well as the services provided.
Core Skill training:
Review current course options in relation to market feasibility, advising on model study structure useful to confirm demand for skills within Baidoa district, which would enable tailored vocational training course to current demand.
Design parallel entrepreneurship training and mentoring for parallel to core graduates course as part of life skill training.
Review existing course curriculum in use at the VTC
With trainers develop TOR for negotiations with business enterprises for job, internship, cooperative learning experiences placement of the participants
Introduce guidance on use of business start-up kits specific to courses at vocational centre.
Advice on models useful to graduates for start-up or initiating joint business
5. Management
The Consultant will be managed directly by the INTERSOS Somalia CAAC project manager, with technical inputs from the child protection project manager and protection advisor. The Consultant is ultimately responsible for creative advice and following the brief outlined in this TOR, plus any modifications agreed during the implementation process.
6. Locations, Duration & Timeline
The Consultant will be expected to work with INTERSOS VTC team in Baidoa, South Central- Somalia.
The work must be conducted over a maximum 7 days’ period between 22nd November and 30th November 2015, with the following anticipated schedule:
Preparation (2 days): Travel and meetings with INTERSOS VTC team in Baidoa, design of inception report including interview agreed work plan.
Training of Trainers on approach and modalities (3 days): VTC Supervisor, VTC instructors, Entrepreneurship trainers and life skill trainers.
Prepare a draft report (1 day): Ensure that, the report is giving details of the major findings and recommendations.
The deadline for the completion and satisfactory submission of the deliverables is the 30th November 2015
7. Expected Consultant Profile & Selection Criteria
a. Bid qualification and selection criteria
The Consultant will be selected based on the following criteria:
Proven capacity to carry out the assignment and previous experience of successful completion of similar assignments (Business management / entrepreneurship seminars or workshops) in Somalia;
Ability to travel to main location; Baidoa in Somalia
Excellent English language skills and ability to conduct interviews in Somali / have a strong Somali translator (in the field) and for finalization of the deliverables;
Have excellent writhing skills with the ability to prepare comprehensive reports in English language.
Good understanding of the Somali context, with understanding of protection principles
Quality reports of the previous assignments as proof of experience.
Cost of the consultancy service.
b. Terms and Conditions
1. The Consultant will be contracted by INTERSOS Somalia Mission;
2. The Daily consultancy fee is negotiable, although it must fit within the costs allocated by the project;
3. Payment of the agreed consultancy amount will be paid on conducting the field work (20%) with the remaining 80% paid upon satisfactory submission of the agreed deliverables within the agreed timeframe and quality to be stipulated in the contractual agreement;
4. The Consultant must ensure that competent and qualified staff agreed within the contract are the actual persons conducting the work;
5. The consultant must be available to work for the period stipulated and be able to meet the deadline for satisfactory submission outlined in the contract;
6. INTERSOS will support the Consultant’s to access to the project area, including supporting set-up of interviews (where required);
7. Costs relating to consultants insurance coverage and applicable taxes is the responsibility of the consultant (withholding tax will be deducted on behalf of KRA); 8. Logistical arrangements including travel to Somalia (international flights and within Somalia), accommodation and security within Somalia will be covered and facilitated by INTERSOS based on utilising pre-approved suppliers (these costs should be excluded from consultancy bids);
9. The Consultant is responsible to abide by INTERSOS security protocols for missions to Somalia, as well as adhering to INTERSOS Child Protection policy and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse policy.
Interested parties should send an expression of interest (EOI) which must include:
1. Suitability for the position as per the bid qualification and selection criteria
2. Technical/ methodological proposal
3. Team composition, including CV lead consultant, Consultancy firm profile (if affiliated with a firm)
4. Declaration of availability of the lead consultant for the dates proposed
5. Proposed budget (including breakdown of costs, excluding travel, accommodation and security costs)
6. Links to examples of research work conducted that are available online or can be provided upon request.
Please submit the EOI application by email to or in a sealed envelope addressed to INTERSOS Somalia: #17 Sports Road, Westlands, P.O. Box 57801-00200, Nairobi. Please submit the bid between 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday at the INTERSOS office by Monday 19th November 2015 before 5.30pm (Kenya/Somalia time).