Barriers to Girls Education in South Central Somalia – Participatory Research – INTERSOS

Barriers to Girls Education in South Central Somalia – Participatory Research – INTERSOS

INTERSOS is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization that works to bring assistance to people affected by natural disasters and conflicts. Established in 1992 with support from the Italian Federation of Trade Unions, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and the unprotected. In Somalia INTERSOS is active since 1992 responding to emergencies that involve IDPs and returnees populations as well as the host community. INTERSOS currently operates in Banadir, Bay, and Middle Shabelle and Mudug regions of Somalia.

South Central Somalia just like other parts of Somalia has presented some challenges to girls enrolment and retention in schools.
It’s not unusual to find girls aged 12 and above drop out of school making it difficult for adolescent girls to proceed with education at higher level or to tertiary institutions.
The difficulties in girls retention in south central Somalia could be greatly be associated with GBV issues that are common in South central Somalia such as:
 Early and forced marriage
 Women/girls position in the society where girls are seen rather as an asset to another family where she will get married therefore not worth investing in.
 Girls are not allowed to mix with other sex especially the boys and given different space.
 The fear of girls been bullied or even sexually assaulted by boy by boys or armed groups in South Central Somalia.

The main objective this project is to build peace and resilience through the empowerment and school retention of adolescent girls in south central Somalia.

The consultancy will last for 30 days and will be carried out in south central Somalia

3.1 Consultancy objectives
1. Identify barriers to girls education both enrolment and retention in Baidoa and Jowhar.
2. Identify and document push factor behind parents who have maintained their daughters in school.

3.2 Methodology
The research method shall be through both qualitative and quantitative methods based on participatory research methodology with target communities involving girls, boys, women and men. utilizing positive deviant identifications.

Lines of enquiry:
The research should be able to achieve the following:
1. How religion contributes to limiting girls education at the same time how religion can be a tool for promoting girls education.
2. The social and cultural norms that limit girls education
3. Identify positive deviants in the community and the push factors.
4. The research should be able to come out with the perception of the following interest groups on girls education and factors that would prompt them to allow girls especially the adolescent girls proceed with education in south central Somalia
 Family
 Community.
 Individuals.

The research will be carried through the following methods.
 Identification of positive deviants
 Focus group discussions.
 Interview with key informants.
 Quantitative house hold questionnaires
 Participatory research with target groups

Target groups:
The research design seeks to adopt the following methods:
The target group of this research include:
 Parents/care givers to include those who have been able to send their adolescent girls to school(positive deviants)
 In school and out of school children of all ages(boys and girls)
 Community leaders.
 Religious leaders.

3.3 Expected Outputs & Deliverables
Consultancy inception report detailing the process, methodologies, tools and work plan to be employed to achieve the evaluation objectives;

Consultancy will be implemented as per the terms agreed and stipulated in the contract.

The consultant will lead the development of the research work, field test and training of participants (staff) who will participate in carrying out the research and will report directly to the Project Manager.

 The consultancy is expected to start on the 1st of December and last for 30 days .
 The consultancy will involve traveling to the field site in Somalia
 The consultancy will involve face to face discussions/interview with the target group and therefore there will be no remote research work.

6.1 Bid qualification and selection criteria

The Research Consultant will be selected based on the following criteria:
 Proven capacity to carry out the assignment and previous experience of successful completion of similar research assignments (Education/Child Protection work) in Somalia;
 Ability to travel to Somalia;
 Excellent English language skills;
 Have excellent writhing skills with the ability to prepare comprehensive research reports in English;
 Good understanding of the Somali context, with understanding of protection principles, GBV and women’s empowerment;
 Quality reports of the previous assignments as proof of experience.
 Cost of the consultancy service.

6.2 Terms and Conditions
1. The Research Consultant will be contracted by INTERSOS Somalia Mission;
2. The Daily consultancy fee is negotiable, although it must fit within the costs allocated by the project;
3. Payment of the agreed consultancy amount will be paid at the end of the consultancy;
4. The consultant must be available to work for the period stipulated and be able to meet the deadline for satisfactory submission outlined in the contract;
5. INTERSOS will support the Consultant’s to access Somalia, including supporting set-up of interviews (where required);
6. Costs relating to consultants insurance coverage and applicable taxes is the responsibility of the consultant;
7. Logistical arrangements including travel to Somalia (international flights and within Somalia), accommodation and security within Somalia will be covered and facilitated by INTERSOS based on utilising pre-approved suppliers (these costs should be excluded from consultancy bids);
8. The Research Consultant is responsible to abide by INTERSOS security protocols for missions to Somalia, as well as adhering to INTERSOS Child Protection policy and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse policy.

6.3 Applications
Interested parties should send an Expression of Interest (EOI) which must include:
1. Suitability for the position as per the bid qualification and selection criteria
2. Technical/ methodological proposal
3. Declaration of availability of the consultant for the dates proposed
4. Proposed budget (including breakdown of costs, excluding travel, accommodation and security costs)

Please submit the EOI application by email to or in a sealed envelope addressed to INTERSOS Somalia: #17 Sports Road, Westlands, P.O. Box 57801-00200, Nairobi. Please submit the bid between 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday at the INTERSOS office by 22/11/2015 before 5.00pm (Kenya/Somalia time).

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